Sydenham Town as it appeared in 2005
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the community website for London SE26

Kirkdale Bookshop Gallery - Jane Cozens Exhibition

Jean Cozens 12/05/05

Jean Cozens 'From Life'
Kirkdale Bookshop Gallery
13th May until 30th June 2005

Jean Cozens lives in Forest Hill with her daughter and cat. Jean helps in assisting marginalised women in South East London create art.

Jean studied Graphic Design at the Chelsea School of Art for her graduate degree followed by a postgraduate degree in Illustration at the Royal College of Art.

Jean's previous exhibitions include:


Cooltan Arts 'Having Space & Time'


Woodlands Art Gallery


Conway Hall 'Grandmothers Footsteps'


Honor Oak & Woodlands Art Galleries


Conway Hall 'Aesthetics Meets Abstract'

More about the Kirkdale Bookshop Gallery <here>

Jane cozens Painting 12/05/05
Jane cozens Painting 12/05/05
Jane cozens Painting 12/05/05

Jane cozens Painting 12/05/05
Jane cozens Painting 12/05/05

Guest at the exhibition preview


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