Sydenham Town as it appeared in 2005
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Sydenham Town
the community website for London SE26

Sydenham Opticians

One can understand why people put off going to the doctors and every excuse to avoid the dentist. But the optician?

When did you last go? Yet it did not hurt and your glasses (or contacts) fundamentally affects how you see the world and how the world sees you. A pair of glasses may cost £100 or maybe £200. No more than a suit or fancy dress. Yet they will last far longer and will have to work well with every other fashion item you wear.

Specatacles 05/10/04

It makes sense to ensure you see as well as possible and your glasses suit your personality as well as your eyes. That requires personal sevice and a little time. There really is no need to rush off to an anonymous Specsavers when you can get the finest professional service in the middle of Sydenham.

Give them a try!

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