Sydenham Town as it appeared in 2005
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Sydenham Town
the community website for London SE26

Streets of Sydenham - Lawrie Park Gardens

Map of Lawrie Park Gardens London SE26


SE26 6HL

10 16 20 22 24

SE26 6HP

99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163

SE26 6HW

1 3 5 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97

SE26 6HX


SE26 6XD

32 34 36

SE26 6XH


SE26 6XN


SE26 6XJ

48 50 52 54 56 183 185 187 191

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 Lawrie Park Gardens Westwood Road - 22/08/04
Photograph 1
Lewisham Council replaced all the street signs in the 1990s. The old sign was subtitled 'late Westwood Road'. Today's Lawrie Park Gardens is one of the few roads in London to be wide, have little traffic (or road humps) and parked cars. Hence it is a haven for all the local Driving Schools as one of the few places the unaccomplished can exercise a three point turn with unharried ease.
Lawrie Park Gardens - 22/08/04
Photograph 2
Another street of eclectic home design. The first five houses (48 to 56) are 'Christmas' homes - they were built by Mr Christmas of Forest Hill in the popular 'Mock Tudor' style of the time - 1928. The orchard belonging to number 56 (centre) was recently sold off and a block flats built in a pastiche style. The coach house behind number 56 used to be the studio of Rolf Harris when he lived in Border Road - which runs parallel behind.
.191 Lawrie Park Gardens  - 22/08/04
Photograph 3
191 Lawrie Park Gardens - one of a matched pair of substantial homes (see below). These were built between 1857 and 1866 by William Godwin who lived here and built around twenty other homes in the area at the time. The last owner died recently and number 191 has been undergoing substantial refurbishment. It is let as flats.
Woolwich House - 22/08/04
Photograph 4
Woolwich House - four houses up from number 191 on the corner of Hall Drive. Its name reportedly derived from being the former residence of the Bishop of Woolwich - the Church of England suffragan bishop for the area. In the early 1990s this was refurbished and a left wing added. Woolwich House is now composed of individually owned apartments.
The Firs Lawrie Park Gardens - 22/07/04
Photograph 5
The Firs, 44-46 Lawrie Park Gardens is a rather uninspiring block of modern privately owned flats. However the name is famous as being the home of Emily Dorman who married Ernest Shackleton from Westwood Hill and became Lady Shackleton as a result of his Antarctic Adventures.

The photographs were taken in July & August 2004. The historical information was taken from John Coulter's "Sydenham & Forest Hill Past"


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