Sydenham Town as it appeared in 2005
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Sydenham Town
the community website for London SE26

Streets of Sydenham - Sydenham Avenue

Map of Sydenham Avenue London SE26


SE26 6BY

Wingham House

SE26 6UH

2 4 6 8 10

SE26 6UJ

Grace House

SE26 6UL

1 3 7 9

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Sydenham Avenue - 22/08/04
Photograph 1
Lawrie Park Avenue perversely becomes Sydenham Avenue as it crosses the frontier from Lewisham into Bromley. This is at the roundabout junction with Border Road - which, as it name suggest, runs along the frontier.
Sydenham Avenue - 22/08/04
Photograph 2
Looking back northward towards the roundabout. Border Road goes off to the right, the Chulsa estate is on the left and if you look through the trees by the red pillar box you can see the tower of St Bart's Church on Westwood Hill at the end of Lawrie Park Avenue. The famous Pissarro painting would have been sketched from just beyond this roundabout.
Sydenham Avenue - 22/08/04
Photograph 3
This is an interesting example of two houses of different periods being joined into one and given a pleasant and surprisingly symetrical Classical Georgian frontage. It was memorably described by one of London's prestigious and more fanciful estate agents as being "located on Dulwich borders with convenient access to Dulwich Village". Yes - if you drive three miles over the hill and through the toll gate. But you could walk to Sydenham or Penge shopping centres!
Sydenham Avenue - 22/08/04
Photograph 4
Oppsite the house above are two fine Victorian villas long since converted into flats. The wideness of the road, the almost lack of street parking and the many mature trees make Sydenham Avenue a quiet and pleasant refuge.
Sydenham Avenue - 22/08/04
Photograph 5
Turning almost 180o southward we see Sydenham Avenue's escape route. Across Crystal Palace Park Road is one of the major entrances to Crystal Palace Park. This until about 2002 was a pedestrian entrance but has been widened with a small car park inside the gates. On the right (and running on from the houses above) are a group of modern three storey terraced homes with rather grand porticos put on the front to give a little gravitas.

The photographs were taken in August 2004.


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