Sydenham Freeserve as it appeared in 1998
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Crystal Palace Partnership

This is the reality....

artist's impression

Contrary to what you may have seen or read recently, this is how the new Crystal Palace will really look. The scale of the development speaks for itself (see diagram below) but it is, in fact, a third of the size of two-storey complex parking for 950 cars.

Occupying 12 acres of the 200 acre Park on a site that been semi-derelict the original building burned down in 1936, it will transform Crystal Palace bringing life and vitality back to a run down area.


The shaded area shows the scale of the proposed development. The dotted line indicates the size of the building allowed under the Crystal Palace Act 1990. The remaining line shows the scale of the original Crystal Palace.

What really happened at the Court of Appeal

On September 2 the Court of Appeal supported a request from the Crystal Palace Campaign for a judicial (legal) review of the outline planning permission for the new Crystal Palace development.

However, the court restricted the review to the issue of whether the style of the building complied with the Crystal Palace Act.

The Campaign’s other grounds for the application failed. The judges pointed out that the Campaign’s case would be a difficult one to sustain and that the Council would have powerful arguments in response. They said the Campaign should not be unduly optimistic about the chances of success.

The hearing in the Court of Appeal is expected to take place before the end of the year. The Council is confident that the Campaign’s challenge will fail and that the legality of the planning permission will be upheld.


These are excerpts from the Partnership's newsletter and represent the views of the Crystal Palace Partnership and not Sydenham Freeserve. We report them in the interest of informing the community about local activities. An opposing point of view from the Crystal Palace Campaign can be found here.

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