Sydenham Town as it appeared in 2005
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Sydenham Town
the community website for London SE26

The Pedestrian Accident Reduction Scheme

The Pedestrian Accident Reduction Scheme - from 8 November 2003 to the middle of 2005 and beyond?

Following months of misery with roadworks at Cobbs Corner, in Sydenham Road and Kirkdale, a meeting was held last Monday between members of the Sydenham Society, representatives of Sydenham Traders, Jim Dowd MP, Lewisham's Deputy Mayor, Gavin Moore, the council's Executive Director of Regeneration, Pat Hayes and senior council officers from the Council's Transport and Traffic and Parking departments. Also present was Town Centre Manager, Julie Sutch and Sydenham councillor Marion Nisbet.

The agenda was to review the poor management of the Pedestrian Accident Reduction Scheme (a misnomer if there ever was one) and its manifestations as a shoddy roundabout and poorly designed zebra crossing. A walk from the Naborhood Centre to Cobbs Corner and back on the opposite side of the road gave an opportunity for the shortcomings of this scheme and other local problems to be drawn to the attention of those elected to represent local residents and council officers.

The Zebra crossing - is it safe?

This was without doubt the most serious matter in need of urgent resolution. Re-opened by the council on 26 November, despite loudly expressed local doubts, council representatives have decided that an addition of an anti-skid surface strips on either side of the crossing (either coloured red or beige) should help to improve the visibilty of this pedestrian crossing. It is hoped that the red-tape can be cut and the anti-skid surface will be installed without delay.

<click here for the full zebra story>

Barry & Zebra Crossing

Cobbs Corner Roundabout

Iit was interesting to hear the Deputy Mayor, who said he had heard about the roundabout but had yet to see it, describe it as reminiscent as being a leftover from the Berlin Wall! Oh, yes, yes, yes - at long last criticism, long overdue, about this roundabout from within Lewisham Council !!!

Not only is it unattractive, the council's signage had been attached to half a lamp post (surely even our aspiring green council taking recycling just a tad too far?) Dismissing the idea of hanging flower baskets as a method of improving its appearance, a plan for "greening" the roundabout in order to improve its aesthetic appearance would be worked out and put to local residents for approval shortly. Sydenham residents will need to see what is on offer as an amelioration to this flawed scheme before any decisions are made as to how to improve this poor design.

<click here for the full cobbs corner story>

Cobbs Corner on 28/08/04

One issue still to be addressed is the cost of this farrago of ineptitude. Are Council Tax payers being expected to foot the bill for this? If not - who is picking up the tab?

‘Another issue is accountability. Is anyone within Lewisham Council prepared to accept responsibility for the waste of resources, the disruption to local residents and traders and the fact that what has been done will, in large part, have to be undone because of the unsuitability and poor quality of the design of the roundabout and the great danger to pedestrians posed by the zebra crossing?

Pat Trembath


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